Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

tugas bahasa inggris (babakan village)

Wonderfull babakan village
This is my village, many years ago behind my home there was rice fields planted with cassava, tubers, rice, and many more, every harvest time I feel so glad because I got a lot of cassava and tubers, my home is beside the road, so a lot of vehicle pass by my home, a the first time it feel so annoying but after 18 years passed, I fell used to it and after years passed, rice field around here is replaced with a small real estate, I feel disappointed because I feel excited when in the rice field behind my home, it make feels chilly around my home, after the rice field is removed, my home feels hot. Why the rice field is removed with a little real estate, maybe someone buy it for individual profit, whereas is for public importance. i Love my village because I grow up together in there with my brother.

Minggu, 04 Juni 2017

daily make up (Tugas B inggris)


After other brand competing to launch dd cream that believe have a formula not just as a foundation and give a correction in skin tone color, dd cream also including a serum that can repair skin face texture and more friendly to sensitive skin, and that is a little knowledge about dd cream.
          Now I want to review wardah product, recently, wardah just launched new dd cream, in local brand, wardah is the only one brand who launched it, my first impression using this dd cream, the texture is soft, it is so easier to blend, for the first time, I fell it is so white, but after a while, it can blend with our skin tone, for the price is quite cheap and the quality is so good for 30 thousands rupiah, the minus side of it, maybe it is not suitable for the oily skin, like I have, maybe that is the only minus side, and the conclusion it is worth it for the local brand.

wardah dd cream

Still from the local brand, but this time is purbasari, miaw I want to review matte lipstick from purbasari, lipstick that I want to review the color is quite dark and I like it hehehe, I want to review lipstick number 83 and they call it piruz, this is a lipstick trending in 2017, this is really giving a sexy color in my lips, and the texture is so thick, because it is really matte and dry, but this is not make our lips dry like the other matte lipstick, but this lipstick is moisturizing my lips, the color is not suitable for daily activity because of the dark color, in my opinion this is more suitable for a party and other official event, the price is not too expensive, even it is equal with the wardah DD cream, it is 28 thousands rupiah, it is quite cheap for the good result, and for the minus side it so easy to fade if I drink a water, and I like it.

purbasari matte lipstick no 83

Both of them I don’t want to say that one from the both brand I just reviewed is better, because both of them is a local bran an the price is quite cheap for college student like me, both of them is good an completing each other, for wardah or purbasari have a lot of product, for example, wardah have lipstick, foundation, face mist, eye shadow that is so good in my opinion, they recently released lipcream is so good, and waradah is makeup thad is received halal certificate from MUI and good for muslimah who have a worries that the make up they use is not halal.

Purbasari is also have a product as good as wardah, they recently just released purbasari lipcream matte that is charming awomen to buy it, they have another product like powder, scrub, olive oil and feminine soap.

Rabu, 19 April 2017

Tugas Softskill

Technology in Healthcare
In the different kind of data, you can do more than watch a video or read a tweet,there is a lot of benefit in healthcare organization in real time.
                Technology is there to help human provide the services to the patient as well as the patient themselves,healthcare organization need to focus on investment. In 2020 one Important thins is understanding customer and the healthcare organization need to appear in single entity to the customer.
                If I send a bloodwork, no one know when the result will gonna come, or having visibility where the hospital are, or when the time is. Visibility and transparency is everything and also important, because of that you can check to my status, or services that im receiving or the cost that im spending to get those services. You can also can have suggestion fo what should the patient do to avoid getting sick is also the benefit from healthcare technology.
You also can check your heartbeat, blood pressure and blood sugar level anywhere and anytime using the healthcare technology also ask your doctor by chat or skype if you have any problem with your health.

di dalam data yang berbeda beda, kamu bisa lebih dari menonton atau membaca kicauan di social media, banyak keuntungan dari organisasi kesehatan secara langsung
toknologi ada untuk membantu manusia menyediakan layanan kepada pasien sebagaimana juga kepada pasien itu sendiri. Organisasi kesehatan memfokuskan dalam pengembangan. Di 2020 satu hal yang penting adalah mengerti konsumen dan organisasi kesehatan harus tampil dalam satu wujud.
Jika saya mengirimkan sampel darah, tidak ada yang tahu kapan hasilnya akan muncul, atau visibilitas dimana rumah sakitnya atau waktunya. Visibilitas dan transparensi adlah segalanya dan juga penting, karena itu anda dapat mengecek status atau layanan yang diterima dan juga harga yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mendapatkan layanan tersebutanda juga dapat saran apa yang harus dilakukan pasien untuk menghindari sakit juga keuntungan nya.
Anda juga dapat mengecek dtak jantung, tekanan darah dan jumlah gula darah dimanapun dan kapanpun menggunakan teknologi tersebut dan juga menanyakan chat atau lewat skype jika anda memiliki masalah dengan kesehatan anda.
 Source :

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